Sunday, 7 July 2013

Facilitating and exploration of the affective

On Friday of this week Olive facilitated an group unearthing of affective feelings.  We were organized into two circles of an equal number of people, then we took turns listening and answering questions that were offered the group.  After both answering a question, we would switch partners and repeat the process.
This activity was very disarming, partly because of the level of trust that I feel for the group we were working with. Still upon entering the activity, I had expected to hold my walls up and be unable (unwilling) to answer from the heart.  But, once taking part, I realized that I was truly answering with my full self.  I believe this was in part because of the trust felt for the other participants and the use of silent probing (the person listening does not respond, just attentively listens), a technique I was first introduced to in qualitative interviewing.
Overall this was a valuable experience that has unearthed unconscious aspects that would have been difficult to access on my own.

Thank you Olive for a powerful and enlightening experience.

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